THECLIVERS.COM Updates and Communication From John & Sarah Cliver

The Great Commission

[18] And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
— Matthew 28:18–20

the need

When you think about the college campus, what difficulties or dangers do you imagine are facing students? What are the big spiritual needs that come to mind?

  • post-christian worldview

    uncertainty about the future

  • distracted - fast paced input

    searching - difficulty finding wisdom amid lots of information

    changers - want to be a part of something impactful but also skeptical of communicated truth

  • heightened pressure to compete or succeed

    binge drinking and alcohol abuse (1,519 alcohol related deaths among U.S. college students)

    sexual assault (nearly 1 in 5 women)

The Spiritual Climate on The College Campus

Check out this brief video to watch students answer questions about faith and God.

Students today are searching for meaning and purpose and many believe (or hope) there is a God. They have a desire for the peace, security and fulfillment found through a relationship with Jesus but either don’t believe it’s really possible or are closed to the idea of any truth that one doesn’t make for themself. Below are a summary of their specific responses.

  • Most said "yes" and a few with a confident "no."

    I'm not sure, I hope there's something

    I don't think so but I'm not closed off to the idea

  • Is there really a heaven? or an afterlife?

    What's my life going to be like?

    What happens when we die?

    I've had good friends that I've lost (passed away), Why does that have to happen?

    Is our life pre-determined or are we free?

    Is His love arbitrary?

  • Several simple yes responses

    If I was a more religious person than that would be significant

    I can't even fathom it

    If everything was falling apart, I'd think about it

  • Just one student said yes

    Most responded with no (rather matter-of-factly)

    You can't prove one thing is right and another is wrong.

    You can't tell someone else this is what you're supposed to be doing

    Oh definitely not...I'm a Christian but religion is irrelevant…all the same

    There's no belief that's right, it's just whatever you feel inside


Despite the context of opposition and misconception about Christian faith, God is bringing an increasing number of students into a relationship with Himself.

the opportunity

Because the need is great and we have a big vision, we need to be strategic. Cru exists to help fulfill the Great Commission by winning, building and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Core DNA

Win: Connecting People to Jesus

Build: Creating Life-Changing Community

Send: Living Life On Mission

We create opportunities for students to connect to this strategic mission on their campus as they engage with their local Cru movement. These are a just few examples.

  • Campus Wide Outreaches

    Simple Conversations

    Digital Resources and Media

  • Small Group Bible Studies

    Weekly Meetings


    Discipleship & Evangelism

  • Short/Long term Cru mission trips

    Church Leadership

    Ministry in the workplace

    Full time Christian work

    100% sent

Clemson Cru’s weekly meeting bumper video features the tagline “calling students to follow Christ & making disciples that change the world.” This tag demonstrates Cru’s strategic scope as well as its Great Commission focus.

the vision

As full-time missionaries with Cru, C1M’s ministry focus is students in the US and around the world. As Missionary Creatives, we produce much-needed resources (through design, writing, and video, and more) that help sustain and advance the mission of Cru.

(My role within Cru)

The Great Commission became much more compelling when I realized my life can make a real contribution to this work.

My Calling

Through the Holy Spirit, God has moved me to see more fully how He has made and positioned me to use art and creativity…

to share the most beautiful message in the world

to make disciples of all nations

to fulfill the Great Commission

to change the world

My Role

The means by which I am able to live out my calling for this stage of my life. And a means of having an eternal impact in peoples lives with my vocation. I specialize in graphic design, illustration and motion graphics for Creative One Media (Cru’s in-house design team). Additionally, in my position as a Team Leader, I am investing in the spiritual and creative development of other C1M staff.

The Clivers: Sarah, John, James and Eleanor

I believe God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.
— Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire

A few samples from recent projects

Motion Graphic Work: Vision Conference Logo Tag

Vision snow gif for sharing and social profiles

Layout Design: Expansion Plan Donor Communication

the invitation


We invite others to partner with us to reach people for Christ.

Cru has no central funds for paying salaries and ministry expenses. Like many other mission organizations, Cru missionaries (like me) depend upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals and churches to fund our ministries.

I must find a team of partners who will give $100 monthly or some other amount to support my ministry.

As soon as this team is complete, I can turn my full attention to back to my team and to reaching people for Christ.


  • To work diligently to touch the lives of people for Jesus Christ

  • To regularly let you know how God is blessing the ministry

  • To be financially faithful with the funds given for our ministry

  • To share prayer concerns with one another

Let’s share the most beautiful message in the world together…


Your partnership can make a difference in reaching people for Christ.

Would you make a monthly commitment of $100 or another amount that’s significant to you?

& There are other vital ways you can help.