THECLIVERS.COM Updates and Communication From John & Sarah Cliver
Communication Preferences and Sign up
The Digital Contact Request Form on this page is fairly self-explanatory but you can read below for some specifics.
We (John & Sarah) will never pass along or use the contact information submitted here in any way other than how you direct us. (so no spam or additional communication from Cru).
Update Frequency
We are initiating a new update plan (starting in Summer of 2023) but it may be a while before landing on a “normal” frequency of updates. Our goal is to continue sending 6-8 physical prayer letters throughout the year to those on our newsletter list. Those updates plus additional ones will be delivered in a monthly email.
Text Messaging
If you Include permission for text messages, one of us may text you individually from time to time but we will request additional permission if we initiate any specific plan for event based or regular recurring text updates.